Zygomatic implants are a transformative solution in implant dentistry, offering a graftless alternative for the rehabilitation of severe maxillary atrophy, post-oncological defects, and complex trauma cases. Recent advancements in surgical techniques, implant design, biomechanics, digital technology, and long-term studies have established zygomatic implants as a gold-standard treatment for patients with insufficient maxillary bone.
In clinical scenarios of advanced atrophy in the maxilla (Cawood and Howell Class V-VI) with reduced alveolar bone height and volume and pneumatization of the maxillary sinus that limits the availability of native bone for traditional implant placement, the necessity of alternative anchorage points such as the zygomatic arch are required. Zygomatic implants provide primary stability through the engagement of cortical bone in the zygomatic body, mitigating micromotion during the healing phase. Cross arch stabilization by the prosthetic frameworks distributes occlusal forces evenly across the arch, reducing stress on individual implants. These implants are angled (30°–60°) to optimize load transfer while minimizing stress on the peri-implant bone.
The numerous benefits of zygomatic implants include the advances in the extra-sinus approach and sinus membrane preservation that have reduced the incidence of complications such as sinusitis and oroantral fistulas. Tension-free closures and low-profile abutments minimize soft tissue irritation and dehiscence.Studies have shown reduced stress concentrations on the zygomatic bone compared to augmented grafts and superior biomechanical performance when zygomatic implants are combined with anterior standard implants in a hybrid configuration.
Zygomatic implants have become a cornerstone of advanced implantology, offering unparalleled solutions for maxillary rehabilitation in complex cases. The integration of cutting-edge implant designs, refined surgical techniques, digital workflows, and long-term clinical data has propelled this field forward.
In the upcoming webinar know about the advanced implant morphologies,advances in surgical and immediate function protocols, microsurgical techniques and Digital Technologies in Zygomatic Implantology in detail and take a step ahead in your clinical expertise!